Under two consecutive contracts, Checchi provided technical assistance and training services to support the transition from an inquisitorial criminal justice system to a modern, adversarial system in El Salvador. The Checchi team worked in the following areas: (1) legal reform, including assistance with the drafting of a new Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code; (2) institutional strengthening of the Judicial Branch, the Attorney General’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office and the Judicial Training School; and (3) promoting greater popular understanding of the reforms through public education/awareness campaigns that included the use of television, radio and a wide range of print media. Checchi also collaborated with local NGOs to promote the participation of civil society in the reform process.
Evaluation Services IQCS
Checchi served as prime contractor for nine consecutive USAID IQCs for evaluation and related services. Under these IQCs, Checchi completed a wide range of studies,