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Developing evidence-based advocacy for integrity-focused policies, regulations, and laws

Dexis (through Checchi and Company Consulting, a former subsidiary of Dexis now consolidated) works to improve government accountability at both the national and local levels by strengthening oversight mechanisms and incorporating and acting on commitments to the Open Government Partnership and other integrity frameworks. In addition to assisting national anti-corruption agencies and audit institutions, we also work with local governments to build public trust. We pursue opportunities to increase public participation and work closely with civil society to develop evidence-based advocacy for integrity-focused policies, regulations, and laws. We also support investigative reporting journalists and media oversight.

Our work has included strengthening institutional safeguards that promote ethical behavior of public officials; improving asset declaration procedures; identifying and managing conflicts of interest; and developing uniform accountability rules and procedures, including internal control mechanisms. We have also supported the strengthening of procurement regulations. At the intersection of good governance and economic development, we have mobilized stakeholders from the private sector, civil society, and the government around the goal of reducing rent-seeking and the informal costs of doing business.

Areas of Expertise

  • Access to information, public participation, and public oversight
  • Strengthening independent oversight institutions
  • Anti-corruption strategy and action plan design and implementation
  • Investigation and prosecution of corruption
  • Procurement regulations
  • Rent-seeking reduction
  • Accountability rules and procedures
  • Strengthening parliamentary oversight capacity

Interested in Joining Us?

From recent graduates to experienced professionals, we hire exceptional people, give them challenging work, and then help them shine.